Jumat, 23 Februari 2018


By: H.M.Norsanie Darlan 2014 A b s t r a k The writing aims to: (1) Want to know how preparedness of society in facing society of economic of asean; (2) What is the government's concern in facing the MEA and what is the role of non-formal education (3) What efforts are being made in the face of free competition in the coming years. While the method used in this study is qualitative research to resource persons are officials related to the problem of regional promotion by using approach on the subject of research that is by asking for their time while providing services in taking care of the future of Asea Economic Community. While the data collection tools are: interview, observation and documentation. To find the truth in a simple analysis in this study tested: Credibility, triangulation, Transferability, Dependability, Confirmability and others, so that the data analyzed manghasilkan in accordance with the expected. The results obtained are (1) the readiness of society in facing the society of ASEAN economy is still not seen. What else is the region of the economic market. So from the market economy will emerge. But this happens as part of a change in development; (2) There has not been much government attention in dealing with the Asian economic community (MEA) because it has not been widely publicized with not yet many people who are still passive towards it, and the role of non-formal education should be able to adjust to the situation. (3) That the efforts undertaken in the face of free competition in the coming years still have not seen festive. This should be the role of the government to appeal to various parties, including hotels and others with in memmasyaratkan various things, including banners to enliven it. Keywords: Society, Economy, Asean Background Issues Derived this paper, is nothing but to answer to the preparation of the presence of Aseian economic community conducted in order to face the transitional period We hope we do not feel kaket with various changes and regulations set by the government. So each PLS study program will give its own color in the future. And keep in mind that in the non-formal education perspective that PLS in order to face the Asean Economic Community (MEA) we do not stay silent and stand idly, but non-formal education must participate proaktif to welcome the year 2020 from now. For more details of these things, the author will describe one by one as follows: What is our role, When we pay attention to the role, it means more to the function of adjustment, and as a process. A person's role includes three things: a.Peran includes norms associated with a person's position within a community group. So, the role here, can mean the rules that guide a person in society. b.Peran is something that someone does in society. c.Peran is also a person's behavior that is important for the social structure of society. While the ideal role, can be translated as the role expected to be performed by the holder of the role. For example, the Transportation Department as a certain formal organization is expected to function in law enforcement. According to Soerjono Soekamto, it can act as an umbrella for the community in order to achieve order, security which has the ultimate goal of the welfare of society, meaning the real role. Role is a dynamic aspect of the status (status) owned by a person, while the status is a set of rights and obligations owned by someone if a person performs rights and obligations in accordance with his position, then he runs a function. The nature of the role can also be formulated as a series of certain behaviors caused by a particular position as well. A person's personality also influences how the role should be run. The role played essentially no difference, whether played / played by upper, middle and lower level leaders will have the same role Roles are the actions or behaviors undertaken by a person who occupies a position within the social status of the role requirement to include 4 (four) ) things, namely: Role is a concept of what behavior can be implemented by individuals in society as an organization. Roles can also be regarded as individual behavior, which is important for the social structure of society. Role is an organized sequence that is generated by a position. Humans as social beings have a tendency to live in groups. In group life there will be interaction between members of one community with other members of society. The growing interaction between them is interdependent. In the life of society that emerged what is called the role (role), in education outside school. Role is a dynamic aspect of a person's position, if a person exercises his / her rights and obligations in accordance with his / her position then the person performs a role. To provide a clearer understanding there is a good idea first understand about understanding the role. The role of education personnel in carrying out their duties in taking the role to achieve the purpose of education outside of school. Of course there must be and clear, in an effort to educate the life of the nation. Thus, our role as educational personnel education, should be involved in facing the community so that PLS we are not too far behind in an effort to face market share in the era of MEA. Expectation Expectation is not a hope. Expectation is a possibility that can arise and can be calculated by a quantitative method, whereas expectation is not something that can be quantified with quantitative numbers nor with the quantity of prayer you do. On the other hand, Expectation is a big expectation that is loaded on something that is deemed to be able to bring a good or better impact with the work he hopes can make progress our company. Expectations and Expectations Anyone may choose to live according to his wishes, no one forbids. According to: Ryan Aldo (2012) that: ego and confidence in freedom can make everyone happy, may be used as a handle. But it must be admitted, sometimes the ideals and desires must run aground because of a hope that is too forced. As Shakespeare says, "Expectation is the root of all heartache". Hope is the root of all heartache. Is that so? In English Purpose: The purpose of this research are: 1.Want to know how readiness of society in facing society of economics of asean. 2. How the government's attention in dealing with the MEA, and how the role of non-formal education. 3. What efforts are being made in the face of free competition in the coming years. 3. Educational philosophy Educational philosophy As for education usually begins when a baby is born and lasts a lifetime. In this philosophy, not apart from the lifelong educational term always expressed by the PLS leaders. Education can start from before the baby is born as is done by many people by playing music and reading to the baby in the womb in the hope that she can teach their baby before birth. For some, the experience of daily life is more meaningful than formal education. As Mark Twain says, "I never let the school interfere with my education, family members have a profound teaching role, often more profound than they realize, even though the teaching of family members goes unofficially." Educational function When we look at what Horton and Hunt, educational institutions are concerned with the following manifest functions: • Preparing community members to earn a living • Developing individual talents for personal satisfaction and for the benefit of the community • Preserving culture • Inculcating necessary skills for participation in democracy Function etc., from educational institutions are as follows • Reduces parental control Through education, parents delegate their duties and authority in educating children • Provide means for disobedience Outside Schools have the potential to instill the value of dissent in the community. with the difference of view between school and society about something. Understanding education Education is the most important thing in a person's life. Through formal or non-formal education, a person can be regarded as honorable, has a good career and can behave according to prevailing norms. Education is a conscious and planned effort in an ethical, systematic, intentional and creative way in which learners develop their own potential, intelligence, self-control and skills to make themselves useful in society. Understanding education according to the Law of SISDIKNAS number 20 year 2003, is a conscious effort and planned to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process in such a way that learners can develop their potentials actively in order to have self-control, intelligence, skills in the community, spiritual spiritual strength, personality and noble morals. Non-formal education is an educational path outside formal education that can be implemented in a structured and tiered manner. 4.Arti PLS / PNF The meaning of Norsanie Darlan Extra School Education (2012) is: "... every opportunity where there is regular and directional communication outside the school, where a person obtains information of knowledge, practice and guidance appropriate to the age and the need for his life ... ", by developing the skill levels, attitudes and values that make it possible for him to become an active and efficient participant in his work environment and even in the community of his country. 5. Characteristics of PNF To know clearly the PNF or PLS when reviewing the various literatures stating that Outer Education (PLS) which is based on the National Education System Act number 20 of 2003 clearly that PLS or non-formal education is not described in detail in characteristic of education outside the school. The author on this occasion, trying to unravel the features of PLS or non-formal education according to Norsanie Darlan (2001) are: (1) the time is short; (2) the material is diverse; (3) the students vary and; (4) the place to adjust For more details that is: short time, meaning non-formal education or non-formal education, no more than 12 months. In fact there is only one day. Likewise the hours of study. Whether morning, afternoon or evening. So as not to interfere with the working hours of studying citizens. In its development, in primary and secondary education today there is certainly more than a year. For example in the program package A, B and C. In order to improve the quality of functions and roles are increasingly improved. So residents learn package A, B and C not mungikin within 3 - 4 months have received a diploma. They must learn with sincerity, accompanied by a test to determine the graduation. The learning materials of adult education is diverse. This means adjusting to the needs of the community (learning based on community needs). Different with education or formal education. At the Bali Summit in October 2003, ASEAN leaders stated that the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) will be the goal of regional economic integration by 2020, the ASEAN Security Community and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community are two inseparable pillars of the ASEAN Community. All parties are expected to work strongly in building the ASEAN Community by 2020. The question that arises is: What should we do? Do PLS / PNF simply stand idly by? The answer according to Norsanie Darlan, (2012) is none other than: as educator personnel of education, need to build entrepreneur spirit among student. In addition, every student before entering the workplace, why not educate the centers: PKBM TBM Course Other Training Institutions. So the presence of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) we do not need to flinch, while involving ourselves in the effort to establish the Asean market in 2020. Furthermore, the ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, held in August 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, agreed to advance the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) with clear targets and schedule for implementation. At the 12th ASEAN Summit in January 2007, the Leaders affirmed their strong commitment to accelerate the establishment of the ASEAN Community by 2015 proposed in ASEAN Vision 2020 and ASEAN Concord II, and signed the Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of the Establishment of ASEAN Community by 2015 specifically, leaders agreed to accelerate the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015 and to transform ASEAN into an area with free trade in goods, services, investments, skilled labor, and freer capital flows. Characteristics And Elements of ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) Characteristic Definition Etymologically, the term characteristic of interpretation is a two-word arrangement consisting of words; characteristics and exegesis. The term characteristic is taken from the English characteristic, which means it contains the characteristic. It reveals the peculiar properties of something. In the complete dictionary of Chaplin's psychology, it is explained that the characteristics are synonymous of the words character, character, and attributes that have an understanding among them: 1. A quality or nature that remains constant and eternal that can be used as a cirri to identify a person, an object , an event. 2. Integration or synthesis of individual traits in the form of a thread or unity. 3. Personality of a person, considered from an ethical or moral point of view. So among the above notions as suggested by Chaplin, it can be concluded that the characteristic is a peculiar trait, attached to a person or an object. For example, the characteristic of interpretation means a characteristic that is contained in the interpretive literature, such as systematic writing, the source of interpretation, method, style of interpretation and other sebainya. The ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) is the realization of the ultimate goal of economic integration embraced in Vision 2020, which is based on the convergence of the interests of ASEAN member countries to deepen and expand economic integration through existing and new initiatives with clear deadlines. in establishing the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA), ASEAN must act in accordance with the principles of open, outward-oriented, inclusive, and market-oriented economies consistent with multilateral rules and compliance to systems for compliance and implementation of rules-based effective economic commitments. The ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) will establish ASEAN as a single market and production base to make ASEAN more dynamic and competitive with mechanisms and measures to strengthen the implementation of new existing economic initiatives; accelerate regional integration in priority sectors; facilitate the movement of business, skilled labor and talents; and strengthening the institutional mechanism of ASEAN. As a first step towards the realization of the ASEAN Economic Community, ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) will tackle development gaps and accelerate integration of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet Nam through the Initiative for ASEAN Integration and other regional initiatives. Forms of Cooperation are: 1. Human resources development and capacity building; 2. Recognition of professional qualifications; 3. A closer consultation on macroeconomic and financial policies; 4. Trade financing measures; 5. Improving infrastructure. 6. Development of electronic transactions through e-ASEAN; 7. Integrating industries throughout the region to promote regional resources; 8. Increasing private sector involvement to build the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). The importance of external trade to ASEAN and the need for the ASEAN Community as a whole to keep in the future, the main characteristics of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA): 1. Single market and production base 2. Competitive economic area 3. Equitable economic development area 4 The region is fully integrated in the global economy. These characteristics are very strongly interconnected. By Including the required elements of each characteristic and should ensure consistency and integrity of the elements as well as their proper implementation and mutual coordination among relevant stakeholders. What should we do? As an effort we humanize human beings in non-formal education must also remember what exactly will happen in the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) for our nation among them, namely: 1. The flow of goods that we can not control 2. Free labor. From the two things above with so many programs from the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) is a daunting challenge if we are not ready to face it then we will be crushed. For example Free flow of goods without the need to be selected. Stay the quality of which is better, it will enter the market share with ease. Likewise in the face of free labor. They easily occupy the existing jobs in this country. The challenge faced is the readiness of the PLS scholars in the mastery of skills. To overcome the above things our lecturers / academics in non-formal education must early on to conduct a variety of innovative research in the field of non-formal education. Without it, we will miss it. The results of existing research, need a deeper study with the aim to find out which one is innovation. If we are late, then our products of non-formal education graduates / PLS will not be able to participate in the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) in 2020. The PNF lecturers should do research when we have to find out which one is innovative. Particularly in PNF studies we have to find out where the innovative findings are. If it has been found, then this innovative is used to be developed in order to enter the market world that competes with the expected MEA. May we succeed in facing the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). But if we do not pay attention from sekrang, when again. When it is too late then we will be crushed by the advancement of society from outside. Also referred to as the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). Just to know: in the final part of this paper is: Out of School Education (PLS) that existed at Palangka Raya University was established since Unpar was founded. (See History) The establishment of the original Unpar IKIP Bandung Branch Palangka Raya and there is also the Faculty of Economics. Then two private universities, made the forerunner of the establishment of the largest state university in Central Kalimantan. At IKIP Bandung Branch Palangka Raya there is Faculty of Education (FIP) which has 2 majors. Individual Outside Education (PLS) and General Education Department (PU). This PLS Outside Education Study Program, has never ceased until now. In 1986, there was a severe shock, namely: the entire PLS Study Program, Extension Guidance (BP) and Educational Administration (AP) also stopped receiving SLA input students. Because there are rumors the government wants to stop. This is reportedly applicable to FKIP throughout Indonesia. PLS Unpar keeps running by accepting Undergraduate and Undergraduate students. Until 1996 again accepting Input SLA students until now. Originally with the blessing of Unpar Rector. Dr. Ir. Ali Hasymi, MS, MA. PLS Palangka Raya University entered the history of the homeland in the world of education outside school that can survive without stopping. Because during the 10 years running that period, only 2 colleges in the homeland that survive until now are: PLS FKIP University of Jember in East Java and PLS FKIP University Palangka Raya in Central Kalimantan. Since 2008, even though the Professor is only one, PLS Palangka Raya University is on the rise. Because until now PLS University of Palangka Raya not only build and produce undergraduate S-1 but also S-2 (Master Program / M.Pd) and spawned hundreds more M.Pd in Central Kalimantan. Students are not limited to Palangkaraya, also from various regions and provinces. In Central Kalimantan almost all municipal regencies study at S-2 PLS. While other provinces such as West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan are also studying in S-2 PLS Unpar. South Kalimantan this year also signed up. The appointment soon (in July) will be closed. The persistence of Outsourced education. The method used in this research is qualitative research to resource persons are officials related to the problem of promotion area by using approach in research subject that is by asking their time while giving service in pay attention to future of society of economics of asea. While the data collection tools are: interview, observation and documentation. To find the truth in a simple analysis in this study tested: Credibility, triangulation, Transferability, Dependability, Confirmability and others, so that the data analyzed manghasilkan in accordance with the expected. 8.Results The results of non-formal education can be rewarded equivalent to the outcome of a formal education program after going through an equivalency assessment process by an agency designated by the Government or the Regional Government with reference to the national standard of education. Non-formal Education Objectives Non-formal education is provided to citizens who need education services that serve as a substitute, addition, and / or complement of formal education in order to support lifelong education. Function of Non-formal Education Non-formal education serves to develop the potential of learners with an emphasis on mastery of knowledge and functional skills as well as the development of professional attitude and personality. Types of Non-formal Education Non-formal education includes life skills education, early childhood education, youth education, women's empowerment education, literacy education, vocational education and job training. Equality education includes Package A, Package B and Package C, as well as other education aimed at developing learners' abilities such as: Community Learning Center (PKBM), course institutions, training institutes, study groups, assemblies taklim, studio, etc., as well as other education aimed at developing the ability of learners. Educational unit of the organizer • Kindergarten (TK) • Koran Education Park • Play group (KB) • TPA • Course institution • Studio • Training institute • Study group • Community learning center • Assembly Taklim Courses and training are organized for people who need knowledge, skills, life skills, and attitudes to develop themselves, develop their profession, work, independent business, and / or continue their education to a higher level. Meaning and Examples of Formal, Nonformal and Informal Education No. Type of Educational Institution Meaning Example form of educational institution 1 Formal Education organized by School or Higher Education. TK SD, MI SMP, MTS SMA, SMK, MA University 2 Non formal Education organized by institutions outside of school or college. Course TPA Tutoring 3 Informal Education in the community and family Parent education (family) to children What is Non Formal Education? 1.Pengertian Pendidikan Nonformal What is meant by nonformal education monurut: H. M. Norsanie Darlan (2014) is any education service programs held outside the school system, and an integral part of the national education system that lasts a lifetime towards the formation of pancasila human character. Based on pre-school education whose content is related to the expansion of insight, improvement of skills and family welfare, it is called nonformal education program. According to Soedamo, one prominent figure of Outside Education (PNF) Indonesia in his book entitled: Non Formal Education according to: Soedamo, and Norsanie (1984: 11). It clearly states that: "... Nonformal Education is every opportunity where and there is regular, directional communication outside school (outside the formal) where a person obtains information, knowledge, training or guidance according to his age and needs, with the aim of developing the level of skills, attitudes and values that make it possible for him to be an efficient and effective active participant in his family, his work and even the environment of his community and country .... "Meanwhile, according to Phillips H. Combs, his book entitled: concept education beyond school, Jakarta (1986: 50) states: "... Any educational activity organized and organized outside the formal system, either alone or part of a broad activity, intended to provide services to a particular educational goal in order to achieve learning goals ... ". According to Sanapiah Faisal, in his book entitled: Nonformal Education in the system of education and national development, Surabaya (1981: 37), simply mentions: "... organized education outside the school system, the content of education is programmed, the existence of material sequence that. Thus it can be concluded that the main function of Non-formal Education is to teach the community, anytime and take advantage of good value and more beneficial to the personal life of family, community and nation. 3. Non-formal Education Objectives In the operational achievement of institutional objectives of Non-formal education, it is possible for citizens to have: the ability to develop personality and self-actualization; Providing the ability to face the challenges of life, whether in the family or community; Have the ability to foster prosperous families in order to advance the general welfare; Extensive insight into the rights and obligations of citizens; Awareness of statehood, and society in the framework of development of human and society of Pancasila; Ability to create / help create employment in accordance with the expertise possessed; Because this goal asserts that non-formal education seeks to develop harmonious, harmonious and balanced. Intelligence attitude, creativity, and efforts to improve the quality and standard of living of individuals, families, communities and nations. Attempts to achieve these institutional goals are essentially devolved to institutional institutions of family education, extension education, and skills education. 4. Non-formal Scope of Education Non-formal education scope involves various aspects of life of various ages, places and needs, the scope of non-formal education services reaching the entire educational service activities outside the schooling system of services organized by education outside the school. Non-formal education is not only done by the government / department, but also implemented by all people who are able to guide and implement it. The scope of nonformal education can be viewed from several aspects such as: Services, institutions, Program Mining. The three aspects are as follows: In terms of age of schooling services Efforts of educational equipment related to age-related children include: daycare, and groups sepermainan. These educational institutions also include non-formal education institutions. The function of the institution is different from the kindergarten function which is the preparation for entering the elementary school. By sex According to the statistics list of women turns out to be more than men. Nevertheless, women's participation is still lacking in increased production or social, economic education carried out jointly with men. Given that women are more involved in family welfare activities, the participation of women in this case needs to be improved again. Non-formal education programs that are very prominent in these activities are: PKK, KB and so on. Delivery system can be done by using: Group, organization and institution existing in society; Social, cultural mechanisms such as competitions and matches; Traditional arts such as wayang, ludruk, slapstick, or modern technology such as: TV, magazine film, and newspapers; Infrastructure and facilities such as village hall, mosque, school church, learning equipment, and work equipment. The role of non-formal education is to strengthen education providers in courses and training institutions and Community Learning Center (PKBM) in order to promote education beyond the school system. Public preparedness in facing the society of ASEAN economics is still not seen much, because it has not been dilakukaan that every hotel office, restaurant menyambuat and enliven the economic community asean. This is indispensable. In the world of out-of-school education, there is a surprise that 2014 is a PLS study program, changing its nomenclator to PNF; The government's attention in dealing with the MEA and what the role of non-formal education is still only slightly perceived. While what efforts are made in the face of free competition in the coming years is still not felt. 9. The role of non-formal education The role of non-formal education or non-formal education in facing the society of Asean Economy (MEA) is that since 2014 it has prepared itself by changing its momenklator, from the title of Non-Formal Education (PLS) to Non Formal Education (PNF) as efforts to ensure the Asean free market is not an obstacle. In addition, the organizers of study programs / non-formal education programs improve institutions such as Courses and Training, Community Learning Center (PKBM) so for those who for something and others do not have time to enjoy formal education. Thus PKBM provides various instructional packages based on the Act in the PKBM equality package. 10. Discussion In this discussion see from the goal is a readiness of society: Non-formal education in the system of education and national development, Surabaya (1981: 37), simply mentions: "... Organizing organized education outside the school system, the content of education is programmed. From the above point that the importance of non-formal education is fostered to participate in supporting the success of the Asian economic community. Because in non-formal education has seen will happen the free market, so that since 2014 has made the change of PLS nomenklator turned into PNF. So the change in the nomenclator referred to the effort to face the Asean community in the aspect of non formal education. 11. Conclusion 1. That the readiness of society in facing the society of ASEAN economy is still not seen. What else is the region of the economic market. But this happens as part of a change in development; 2. There has not been much government attention in dealing with the Asian economic community (MEA) because it has not been widely publicized with not yet many people who are still passive towards it, and the role of non-formal education should be able to adjust to the situation. 3.That the efforts undertaken in the face of free competition in the coming years are still not seen festive. This should be the role of the government to appeal to various parties, including hotels and others with in requiring various things, including banners to enliven them. BIBLIOGRAPHY Darlan, H.M.Norsanie, 2001. Basic Concepts of Out-of-School Education, FKIP Unpar, Palangka Raya. ------------, 2010. Character Education In the Development of Learning Tools, Training Competence profession teacher Tamiang Layang, Kalteng. ------------, 2012. Efforts to Optimize the Functions and Roles of PKBM as a Community Resources Development Institute, Lemlit Unpar, Palangka Raya. ------------, 2014. Out of School Education, FKIP Unpar, Palangka Raya. Faisal, Sanapiah, 1983. Sociology Society of towns and villages, National Enterprises, Surabaya. H. Combs, Philip 1986. concept education beyond school, Jakarta. Hasmi, Ali, 2096. The Importance of PLS in Central Kalimantan, Palangka Raya. KATT ASEAN, 2007. The ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) in January, Jakarta. Soedamo, 1984. Non Formal Education, National Business Surabaya. Soedamo, and Norsanie, 1984. Non Formal Education in Indonesia, IKIP Malang, Malang. Soekamto, Soerjono 1998. pengayom for the community in order to realize order, security that has prosperity, Jakarta. --------------------------- Author, H.M. Norsanie Darlan, Prof. Dr., MS. PH. Professor of S-1 and S-2 PLS / PNF University of Palangka Raya.

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