Jumat, 25 Maret 2016


D0250316000286 25-03-2016 HKM BJM Banjarmasin, 25/3 (Antara) - Akademisi Universitas Palangka Raya (Unpar) Kalimantan Tengah Prof Dr HM Norsanie Darlan MS PH menyarankan agar pihak berwenang bersama masyarakat meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap SMS atau pengirim pesan singkat. Pasalnya tidak semua SMS dari telepon seluler benar, dan bahkan bisa mengganggu, menyesatkan serta merugikan orang lain, baik secara materil maupun moril, ujarnya kepada Antara Kalimantan Selatan (Kalsel) di Banjarmasin, Jumat. Guru Besar pada perguruan tinggi negeri tertua di "Bumi Isen Mulang" (pantang mundur Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng) itu mengaku cukup merasa terganggu dengan berbagai penawaran via telepon selular/SMS. Ia mencontohkan dirinya merasa terganggu ketenangan, dan bahkan membuat seorang bertanya, karena ada sesuatu yang terkesan aneh. Sebagai contoh, tutur Koordinator Satuan Wilayah Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI) Kalteng itu, ada tokoh masyarakat yang menanyakan dirinya apakah beralih agama/kepercayaan. "Saya pun kaget atas pertanyaan itu. Kemudian saya cek nada tunggu HP saya menggunakan HP orang lain, ternyata yang muncul lagu-lagu rohani non Muslim," ungkap laki-laki kelahiran Desa Anjir Serapat Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalteng tersebut. Guru Besar pada Unpar itupun memperkirakan hal tersebut karena penawaran sesuatu via SMS lewat Nomor 12xxxx yang menawarkan berlangganan NSP yang isinya nyanyian rohani. Kemudian ada pula 12xxxx, NSP 12xx, serta 12xxxx, yang juga bisa menyesatkan atau mengganggu pemikiran, lanjut sang profesor yang berkarir dari pegawai rendahan (pesuruh) di perguruan tinggi ternama dan kebanggaan masyarakat Kalteng tersebut. Ia berharap pembuat NSP melalui SMS itu dihentikan, dan kalau melanggar hukum perlu penindakan, guna keadilan. Begitu pula pihak terkait atau berwenang agar melakukan pengawasan yang lebih intensif atau berupaya maksimal bagaimana cara sehingga SMS yang bisa menyesatkan itu terbloker, demikian Norsanie Darlan.***2*** (T.KR-SKR/B/H. Zainudin/H. Zainudin) 25-03-2016 09:40:46

Kamis, 03 Maret 2016


VILLAGE IN THE COMMUNITY AREAS BACKWARD A Small Research About: PNF gait VILLAGE IN THE COMMUNITY AREAS BACKWARD (Between Hope and Reality) 0leh: HM Norsanie Dalan lowered ABSTRACT This paper aims to introduce about gait 1.Ingin PLS / PNF during the time in the community; and 2.Ingin know how gait PLS / PNF in society and 3.Ingin pembardayaan know clearly how Mehaga Lewu Program in Central Kalimantan, and (4) Want to know how people's knowledge of PLS / PNF in disadvantaged areas. Methodology This study uses qualitative research subjects in 3 groups of each community: Community urban, suburban and rural communities (rural villages). To obtain more accurate data using research tools such as: (1) interview, (2) observation and (3) the documentation related to problems. Once the data is obtained, also conducted triangulation. To obtain the data analysis consists of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The research results obtained are: (1) By introducing about the pursuit of PLS / PNF during the time in the community. Because the activities of PLS / PNF has been less known to the public. So that various attempts have been made, whether by lecturers, students with a variety of programs. Maupan figures of non-formal education. But still have not found the most effective way. (2) the pursuit of educators PLS / PNF in pembardayaan people have started going movement with various things. But there are still some constraints mean that people have more confidence in formal education than non-formal education and (3) clearly how Mehaga Lewu Program in Central Kalimantan has been initiated by the government and society. However kesaran of it is still low in many Kangan. So that this program needs to be driven regularly by the government. Because there is a sense of community dependence on government involvement; and (4) While the public's knowledge about the PLS / PNF in disadvantaged areas, are very low. That our society still many people who do not understand what it's school education / PNF. Keywords: Gait PNF, Mahaga Lewu, Underdeveloped Regions. posted by norsanie Darlan in 14:59 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Academics: EDUCATE NOT weaken KPK Early norsanie Avatarnorsanie Commission syamsuddin.hasan@ymail.com To sanie_da@yahoo.co.id Feb 9 at 6:21 AM D0070216000809 07-02-2016 HKM BJM Academics: EDUCATE NOT weaken KPK Banjarmasin, 7/2 (Antara) - Academics Palangkaraya University (Unpar) Central Kalimantan Prof Dr HM Noersani Darlan MS PH argues, the task of weakening the KPK deed that does not educate. Professors at public universities oldest "Earth Isen Mulang (persist) in Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan) that express their opinions in perkecapakan with Antara South Kalimantan (Kalimantan) in London on Sunday. According to Professor of School Education / Non-Formal Education (PLS / PNF) Postgraduate Unpar it, since the existence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) early in 2000 in this country a lot done in an effort to save the state or local governments. the presence of the Commission in this country, said former activists of the Association of Student Press Indonesia (IPMI) that, provide early warning to anyone who wants menggrogoti money state or local government. "for those who want menggrogoti state money or the money of local government must have felt aghast to do nonsensical, with the presence of the Commission," said the former Head of Education and Training of government provincial (provincial) Kaltwng it. Because according to him, the Commission an institution formation of interest to save the state money in this beloved country, including in the regions. "With the presence of the Commission make potential criminals are afraid to do. It's educating them not to commit corruption. But today tamapknya no plans to weaken KPK tasks on time so that the Commission no longer helpless," he said. The Commission now has a lot to do with a superiority in the form of a way of tapping, but belakngan must be authorized by a particular party, then tapping will certainly trouble. Because it tapped into a conversation or SMS someone. "Especially when a conversation or SMS should be reported first and ask permission to certain parties. There is a possibility that it would arrest to a particular party. Useless Commission do to ask for permission first," he continued. "Because, temporarily would ask permission of cases handled by the KPK, the perpetrators of corruption has passed and fled from the place. The weakening of the Commission as he wants the plan now, making them carry out their duties so barren," said Norsanie *** 2 *** (T.KR-SKR / B / H. Zainudin / H. Zainudin) 07-02-2016 22:12:56 posted by norsanie Darlan in 14:48 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Sunday, February 14, 2016 PROFESSORS CONTRIBUTE UNPAR Kalteng BACK BOOK 13-02-2016 D0130216001409 MOM BJM Kuala Kapuas, Central Kalimantan, 13/2 (ANTARA) - Professor of the University of Palangkaraya (Unpar) Central Kalimantan Prof Dr HM Norsanie Darlan, MS PH again donated books were the work / own writing. This occasion, he contributed some 42 titles with 150 copies to the Mujahidin Mosque Anjir tightly Km 9 Kapuas District of East (about 40 kilometers west of Banjarmasin) Kapuas, Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan), Saturday. The delivery of these books in an atmosphere of activities of the Regional Council (Musda) 7th Muhammadiyah Kapuas, who also attended the Central Leadership of the organization, Prof. Dr. H. Dadang MSc him as well as the Director of the Graduate University of UIN once IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati Cibiru, as well as the Regional Board of Muhammadiyah Central Kalimantan. According to the man born as close Anjir East Kapuas, the contribution of these books for more prosperity of the local mosque in particular, but it is possible also for the public who want to read. "Because the book one of the doors or warehouse of knowledge, so naturally it is for everyone to read or to know," continued the former activist of the Student Press Association of Indonesia (IPMI) is. Previous professors career since from clerks (messenger) was also donated books to the Library Unpar the year 2012 as many as 80 titles (180 copies), which received the rector of the state university. In addition, Regional Library, 102 Central Kalimantan with 190 former title, the delivery of which in the framework of Independence Day were accepted by Central Kalimantan Governor Agustin Teras Narang, SH. Then the Muhammadiyah University Library Palangkaraya (UMP) CK completed shortly Scientific delivered speeches on the campus, which received its president as well as the Director of Graduate in IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin while giving a lecture to students of S-2. In a series of Musda 7th Muhammadiyah Kapuas 2016, Prof Norsanie also donated 30 ex on "History of Muhammadiyah in Central Kalimantan," to the Committee of Musda, to be distributed to the participants Musda. Before starting the 7th Musda also peresemian Mujahidin Mosque and the hostel, which is managed tightly Board of Muhammadiyah Anjir Km 9 Kupuas East. Things maching band of each contingent of participants Musda enliven the activities of Muhammadiyah in the "City of Water" Kapuas it. guest participants also attended by delegates from Hulu Sungai Utara like: Muhammadiyah branches and twigs from South Kalimantan: Alabio, Hambuku and Babirik. Likewise, from Hulu Sungai Selatan (Cage) a presence of more than 200 people it demonstrates marcing band and martial arts his Holy Site *** 4 *** (T.KR-SKR / B / FC Kuen / FC Kuen) 13- 02-2016 22:11:23 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry Diposkan oleh norsanie darlan di 06.15 Kirimkan Ini lewat EmailBlogThis!Berbagi ke TwitterBerbagi ke FacebookBagikan ke Pinterest


HAPPY WORKING MEDIA DEVELOPMENT AND MATERIALS PLS 1. What does the media by Br that can provide benefits to others? 2. Why do so-called program of study known as a center of excellence? What is the reason ? 3. What is the purpose of a process, a way, to develop a program that works? 4. What are adopting the approach of a media, which must be considered modest. Mention. 5. What are the issues addressed in the basic concept of media, media type, choose asesman learning needs are? 6. What are the approaches 2.Adakah extramural learning technology effective do you think? 7. How the formulation of training objectives which features four concepts in this lecture. Explain the purpose 8.Bagiamana media type of training that we need to perform? Explain. 9.Dalam learning objectives, according to at least three aspects Br. Any of these aspects? Explain. 10.Adakah example of the WB were able to identify things like reading, writing and arithmetic? Explain. HAVE A GOOD STUDY posted by norsanie Darlan in 19:18 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Thursday, February 18, 2016 Gait PNF


CONGRATULATIONS TO WORK TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION 1. If someone trained every training he always went, what advantages and disadvantages? Skills training 2.Kenapa a gift to someone? What is its purpose? 3.Tujuan training it is not to impart knowledge. Is it true Just like that? Explain 4. Had the training participants included only those who are gifted? 5. How do the training just for a change? Training 6.Kenapa origin of the word from the trainer. Why do not mean something else? 7. How a training if participants repeatedly-that's it? Do you think Mr. 8.Bagaimana if simply providing skills training. While there is no knowledge at all of what would happen? 9.Mana better training included only participants who are not gifted? Br 10.Setujukah if training only to change fate. What advantages and what harm? 11.Mohon described where different training courses.


DIFFUSION INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION 1. What is the background for the occurrence of a disease problem that affects many people in the village of Los Molinos? Why did it happen? Explain 2. What is their purpose to put research in the village of Los Molinos it? Explain according to knowledge Br. 3. What causes failure in Peru Amereka Nelida Latin so that citizens would not accept that innovation? Explain. 4. What about Br course literature supporting the cases of the disease in question? 5.Siapa exactly should help solve that problem. If it happens in Palangkaraya? Is there a way to ease it? 6. What they believe Ponari, to get pegobatan? Ponari Who exactly is it? While doctors have many Explain !!! 7.Mengapa Nelida so failed in their duties in Peru? 8.Bagaimana explain the health point of view that the incident that mister know? 9.Coba according Br explain what exactly makes people come together, mermaids looking Ponari shaman. Was it like that in the field of innovation? 10.Pernahkah found the cleanliness of the same case in the area of Br ?. And try Br create a title papers on this health innovation. Explain.


QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY TASK 1.Buatkan research titles in the highest village in the CLC but already there; 2. What is an appropriate title if in the village, but had no field officers to provide services to the community; 3. In the region there is a group of researchers tested the program that he did in the community for 5 years. What an appropriate title in this case? 4. What is the title of research Br want? 5.Judul the same with the other comrades not rated 6.Sudah how literature is available for research mister? 7. How Br so choose a title that research? Explain. 8.Dalam research later, whether Br employ other people? Explain 9.Siapa Br according to the thesis supervisor will be later? Sebuatkan least 2 people 10.Berapa Br long planned to conduct thesis research it later?. Make a schedule of research WELCOME TO WORK please absorbed on Tuesday, 1 March 2016 posted by norsanie Darlan in 19:33 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest TASK THREE SUBJECTS S-2 PLS / PNF please submitted 1 March 2016


PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION Please submit 1 March 2016 1. Who was the target of the health education? explain 2. What is the purpose of the health education? Explain 3. Is there an effective way to implement the health education? 4. What is the understanding that health education? Explain. 5. Why do you think that in the PLS Br given health education lessons? 6. What do you think about SKN Br it? Explain 7. Who Target health education in the community? Explain. 8. What is the actual definition of the health counseling? Explain. 9. What is true of Indonesia's national objectives in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution 10. Explain why people are not aware, know and understand about health? Explain. HAVE A GOOD STUDY posted by norsanie Darlan in 19:35 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest


Norsanie Friday, February 26, 2016 MK SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY TASK 1.Kenapa people live in abstinence? Why? Explain. 2.Kenapa there should be the community's attitude to traditional culture? 3.Mengapa there should be a higher belief system? Explain; 4.Jelaskan one of eight human life equipment that Br know. Explain 5.Kenapa the time of the inter-ethnic konflek in Kal-Teng doeloe, appeared emotional regionalism? Explain according to Br. Br 6.Sepengetahuan where people of Central Kalimantan who still live in their original culture? 7.Kenapa they retain the traditional culture? Explain. 8.Dengan modernization as this, whether they are there ways to provide motivation Br? 9.Apa because people prefer treatment by a shaman / healer than to nurse? 10.untuk explain what people put on yellow cloth etc at the mouth of the rivers in Central Kalimantan? Explain SUBMITTED PLEASE WELCOME TO WORK TUESDAY 1 MARCH 2016 posted by norsanie Darlan in 19:37 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest


Norsanie Friday, February 26, 2016 MK SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY TASK 1.Kenapa people live in abstinence? Why? Explain. 2.Kenapa there should be the community's attitude to traditional culture? 3.Mengapa there should be a higher belief system? Explain; 4.Jelaskan one of eight human life equipment that Br know. Explain 5.Kenapa the time of the inter-ethnic konflek in Kal-Teng doeloe, appeared emotional regionalism? Explain according to Br. Br 6.Sepengetahuan where people of Central Kalimantan who still live in their original culture? 7.Kenapa they retain the traditional culture? Explain. 8.Dengan modernization as this, whether they are there ways to provide motivation Br? 9.Apa because people prefer treatment by a shaman / healer than to nurse? 10.untuk explain what people put on yellow cloth etc at the mouth of the rivers in Central Kalimantan? Explain SUBMITTED PLEASE WELCOME TO WORK TUESDAY 1 MARCH 2016 posted by norsanie Darlan in 19:37 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION Please submit 1 March 2016 1. Who was the target of the health education? explain 2. What is the purpose of the health education? Explain 3. Is there an effective way to implement the health education? 4. What is the understanding that health education? Explain. 5. Why do you think that in the PLS Br given health education lessons? 6. What do you think about SKN Br it? Explain 7. Who Target health education in the community? Explain. 8. What is the actual definition of the health counseling? Explain. 9. What is true of Indonesia's national objectives in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution 10. Explain why people are not aware, know and understand about health? Explain. HAVE A GOOD STUDY posted by norsanie Darlan in 19:35 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY TASK 1.Buatkan research titles in the highest village in the CLC but already there; 2. What is an appropriate title if in the village, but had no field officers to provide services to the community; 3. In the region there is a group of researchers tested the program that he did in the community for 5 years. What an appropriate title in this case? 4. What is the title of research Br want? 5.Judul the same with the other comrades not rated 6.Sudah how literature is available for research mister? 7. How Br so choose a title that research? Explain. 8.Dalam research later, whether Br employ other people? Explain 9.Siapa Br according to the thesis supervisor will be later? Sebuatkan least 2 people 10.Berapa Br long planned to conduct thesis research it later?. Make a schedule of research WELCOME TO WORK please absorbed on Tuesday, 1 March 2016 posted by norsanie Darlan in 19:33 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest TASK THREE SUBJECTS S-2 PLS / PNF please submitted 1 March 2016 DIFFUSION INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION 1. What is the background for the occurrence of a disease problem that affects many people in the village of Los Molinos? Why did it happen? Explain 2. What is their purpose to put research in the village of Los Molinos it? Explain according to knowledge Br. 3. What causes failure in Peru Amereka Nelida Latin so that citizens would not accept that innovation? Explain. 4. What about Br course literature supporting the cases of the disease in question? 5.Siapa exactly should help solve that problem. If it happens in Palangkaraya? Is there a way to ease it? 6. What they believe Ponari, to get pegobatan? Ponari Who exactly is it? While doctors have many Explain !!! 7.Mengapa Nelida so failed in their duties in Peru? 8.Bagaimana explain the health point of view that the incident that mister know? 9.Coba according Br explain what exactly makes people come together, mermaids looking Ponari shaman. Was it like that in the field of innovation? 10.Pernahkah found the cleanliness of the same case in the area of ​​Br ?. And try Br create a title papers on this health innovation. Explain. CONGRATULATIONS TO WORK TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION 1. If someone trained every training he always went, what advantages and disadvantages? Skills training 2.Kenapa a gift to someone? What is its purpose? 3.Tujuan training it is not to impart knowledge. Is it true Just like that? Explain 4. Had the training participants included only those who are gifted? 5. How do the training just for a change? Training 6.Kenapa origin of the word from the trainer. Why do not mean something else? 7. How a training if participants repeatedly-that's it? Do you think Mr. 8.Bagaimana if simply providing skills training. While there is no knowledge at all of what would happen? 9.Mana better training included only participants who are not gifted? Br 10.Setujukah if training only to change fate. What advantages and what harm? 11.Mohon described where different training courses. HAPPY WORKING MEDIA DEVELOPMENT AND MATERIALS PLS 1. What does the media by Br that can provide benefits to others? 2. Why do so-called program of study known as a center of excellence? What is the reason ? 3. What is the purpose of a process, a way, to develop a program that works? 4. What are adopting the approach of a media, which must be considered modest. Mention. 5. What are the issues addressed in the basic concept of media, media type, choose asesman learning needs are? 6. What are the approaches 2.Adakah extramural learning technology effective do you think? 7. How the formulation of training objectives which features four concepts in this lecture. Explain the purpose 8.Bagiamana media type of training that we need to perform? Explain. 9.Dalam learning objectives, according to at least three aspects Br. Any of these aspects? Explain. 10.Adakah example of the WB were able to identify things like reading, writing and arithmetic? Explain. HAVE A GOOD STUDY posted by norsanie Darlan in 19:18 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Thursday, February 18, 2016 Gait PNF VILLAGE IN THE COMMUNITY AREAS BACKWARD A Small Research About: PNF gait VILLAGE IN THE COMMUNITY AREAS BACKWARD (Between Hope and Reality) 0leh: HM Norsanie Dalan lowered ABSTRACT This paper aims to introduce about gait 1.Ingin PLS / PNF during the time in the community; and 2.Ingin know how gait PLS / PNF in society and 3.Ingin pembardayaan know clearly how Mehaga Lewu Program in Central Kalimantan, and (4) Want to know how people's knowledge of PLS ​​/ PNF in disadvantaged areas. Methodology This study uses qualitative research subjects in 3 groups of each community: Community urban, suburban and rural communities (rural villages). To obtain more accurate data using research tools such as: (1) interview, (2) observation and (3) the documentation related to problems. Once the data is obtained, also conducted triangulation. To obtain the data analysis consists of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The research results obtained are: (1) By introducing about the pursuit of PLS ​​/ PNF during the time in the community. Because the activities of PLS ​​/ PNF has been less known to the public. So that various attempts have been made, whether by lecturers, students with a variety of programs. Maupan figures of non-formal education. But still have not found the most effective way. (2) the pursuit of educators PLS / PNF in pembardayaan people have started going movement with various things. But there are still some constraints mean that people have more confidence in formal education than non-formal education and (3) clearly how Mehaga Lewu Program in Central Kalimantan has been initiated by the government and society. However kesaran of it is still low in many Kangan. So that this program needs to be driven regularly by the government. Because there is a sense of community dependence on government involvement; and (4) While the public's knowledge about the PLS / PNF in disadvantaged areas, are very low. That our society still many people who do not understand what it's school education / PNF. Keywords: Gait PNF, Mahaga Lewu, Underdeveloped Regions. posted by norsanie Darlan in 14:59 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Academics: EDUCATE NOT weaken KPK Early norsanie Avatarnorsanie Commission syamsuddin.hasan@ymail.com To sanie_da@yahoo.co.id Feb 9 at 6:21 AM D0070216000809 07-02-2016 HKM BJM Academics: EDUCATE NOT weaken KPK Banjarmasin, 7/2 (Antara) - Academics Palangkaraya University (Unpar) Central Kalimantan Prof Dr HM Noersani Darlan MS PH argues, the task of weakening the KPK deed that does not educate. Professors at public universities oldest "Earth Isen Mulang (persist) in Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan) that express their opinions in perkecapakan with Antara South Kalimantan (Kalimantan) in London on Sunday. According to Professor of School Education / Non-Formal Education (PLS / PNF) Postgraduate Unpar it, since the existence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) early in 2000 in this country a lot done in an effort to save the state or local governments. the presence of the Commission in this country, said former activists of the Association of Student Press Indonesia (IPMI) that, provide early warning to anyone who wants menggrogoti money state or local government. "for those who want menggrogoti state money or the money of local government must have felt aghast to do nonsensical, with the presence of the Commission," said the former Head of Education and Training of government provincial (provincial) Kaltwng it. Because according to him, the Commission an institution formation of interest to save the state money in this beloved country, including in the regions. "With the presence of the Commission make potential criminals are afraid to do. It's educating them not to commit corruption. But today tamapknya no plans to weaken KPK tasks on time so that the Commission no longer helpless," he said. The Commission now has a lot to do with a superiority in the form of a way of tapping, but belakngan must be authorized by a particular party, then tapping will certainly trouble. Because it tapped into a conversation or SMS someone. "Especially when a conversation or SMS should be reported first and ask permission to certain parties. There is a possibility that it would arrest to a particular party. Useless Commission do to ask for permission first," he continued. "Because, temporarily would ask permission of cases handled by the KPK, the perpetrators of corruption has passed and fled from the place. The weakening of the Commission as he wants the plan now, making them carry out their duties so barren," said Norsanie *** 2 *** (T.KR-SKR / B / H. Zainudin / H. Zainudin) 07-02-2016 22:12:56 posted by norsanie Darlan in 14:48 No comment: Labels PM Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Sunday, February 14, 2016 PROFESSORS CONTRIBUTE UNPAR Kalteng BACK BOOK 13-02-2016 D0130216001409 MOM BJM Kuala Kapuas, Central Kalimantan, 13/2 (ANTARA) - Professor of the University of Palangkaraya (Unpar) Central Kalimantan Prof Dr HM Norsanie Darlan, MS PH again donated books were the work / own writing. This occasion, he contributed some 42 titles with 150 copies to the Mujahidin Mosque Anjir tightly Km 9 Kapuas District of East (about 40 kilometers west of Banjarmasin) Kapuas, Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan), Saturday. The delivery of these books in an atmosphere of activities of the Regional Council (Musda) 7th Muhammadiyah Kapuas, who also attended the Central Leadership of the organization, Prof. Dr. H. Dadang MSc him as well as the Director of the Graduate University of UIN once IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati Cibiru, as well as the Regional Board of Muhammadiyah Central Kalimantan. According to the man born as close Anjir East Kapuas, the contribution of these books for more prosperity of the local mosque in particular, but it is possible also for the public who want to read. "Because the book one of the doors or warehouse of knowledge, so naturally it is for everyone to read or to know," continued the former activist of the Student Press Association of Indonesia (IPMI) is. Previous professors career since from clerks (messenger) was also donated books to the Library Unpar the year 2012 as many as 80 titles (180 copies), which received the rector of the state university. In addition, Regional Library, 102 Central Kalimantan with 190 former title, the delivery of which in the framework of Independence Day were accepted by Central Kalimantan Governor Agustin Teras Narang, SH. Then the Muhammadiyah University Library Palangkaraya (UMP) CK completed shortly Scientific delivered speeches on the campus, which received its president as well as the Director of Graduate in IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin while giving a lecture to students of S-2. In a series of Musda 7th Muhammadiyah Kapuas 2016, Prof Norsanie also donated 30 ex on "History of Muhammadiyah in Central Kalimantan," to the Committee of Musda, to be distributed to the participants Musda. Before starting the 7th Musda also peresemian Mujahidin Mosque and the hostel, which is managed tightly Board of Muhammadiyah Anjir Km 9 Kupuas East. Things maching band of each contingent of participants Musda enliven the activities of Muhammadiyah in the "City of Water" Kapuas it. guest participants also attended by delegates from Hulu Sungai Utara like: Muhammadiyah branches and twigs from South Kalimantan: Alabio, Hambuku and Babirik. Likewise, from Hulu Sungai Selatan (Cage) a presence of more than 200 people it demonstrates marcing band and martial arts his Holy Site *** 4 *** (T.KR-SKR / B / FC Kuen / FC Kuen) 13- 02-2016 22:11:23 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry