Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

Non Formal Education of Endangered Goods - Prof. Dr. HM Norsanie Darlan MSPH

Author admin imadiklus bay: H.M.Norsanie Darlan The educational expert who is also Professor of University of Palangkaraya (Unpar) Prof. Dr. HM Norsanie Darlan MSPH assessed Overseas Education (PLS) today is a rare and increasingly forgotten. "How not rare because not all provinces in Indonesia organize PLS," said Chairman of the Public Policy Council of Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of Central Kalimantan Province while in Banjarmasin on Sunday. According to him, the scarcity as the impact of the circulation of "news of birds" in 1986 which states, department / study program (Prodi) PLS in almost all the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) throughout Indonesia do not accept new students. "Except that, PLS FKIP Unpar Kalsel and PLS FKIP Universitan Jember, East Java, which survived until now held the program PLS," said former activist of Indonesian Student Press Association (IPMI). "As a result of 'passing out' it turns out that the last two lamps have been badly affected, among others seen from the number of illiteracy in the country," continued the former Head of Education and Training Agency (Diklat) Central Kalimantan Province. The situation can not be denied, he said, because the energy prepared in that direction (for the handling of PLS), slowly but surely more depleted, in addition to experts have experienced scarcity. Therefore, the name of PLS ​​or Non Formal Education (PNF) increasingly disappears. continued child kelahitan Anjir Kapuas village, the unfortunate Kalteng melintan in the world of education. While in the era of reform in the placement of manpower in Subdin PLS / Non Formal Education and Informasil (PNFI) / early childhood is no longer the remaining PLS staff, making the management of PLS-an so not managed by the experts. In fact, according to him, educational personnel educator (PTK), not only formal education or schooling, but PLS-was also associated with PTK but more focused on PNFI. "Because the role of professional education PTK PNFI is a joint concept and requires us together as well," continued professor Unpar who many wrestle PLS / PNFI. "The issue of the PLS I conveyed to the National Workshop Forum of Schools / Prodi Pendidikan Luar Luar Sekolah, with the theme 'Strengthening Network and PNFI Academics' in Malang, East Java 7-9 last December, source http://harian-pelita.pelitaonline.com/cetak/2012/12/30/pendidikan-luar-search-barang-langka#.UOSwtZipfSg

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